I'm absolutely obsessive compulsive about kitchen gadgets. I'd live at William Sonoma. I went to their outlet a couple of weeks ago and I'd live in that store!!!
I've got stuff I'll never use and quite frankly, they do things I can't remember what.. but if you ever come to my house and want a coconut carved with a face or a butter sculpture, I'm sure I've got something that will do it.
What's in your drawers?
Hmmmm, we never had that many plates.. I guess it's because mother would throw them on the floor when she got mad... I probably was maybe 4.. funny I remember that.
Dishes are good.....
I've got a set of Lennox stoneware.. on the top of the shelf... oh... and boxes of Haviland... and... and... and a great stack of paper plates!!!
Dishes are good.....
I've got a set of Lennox stoneware.. on the top of the shelf... oh... and boxes of Haviland... and... and... and a great stack of paper plates!!!
What's in my drawers? Fabric, yarn, thread, lace and buttons. I still have fabric scraps from dresseses I made my daughters when they were babies, and that was 40+ years ago! Oh, yeah - and piano books & sheet music. As if I didn't have enough, I am now storing more than 100 piano books that belong to Mom. I've started to watch those "Hoarders" shows on tv & I think it's a little like looking in a mirror.
What used to be in my wallet is now in my drawers.....
I had a bin full of fabric for years.... for what, I have no clue... that was my other life... I've had so many of those... and just keep reinventing.
Mother could play the piano... and had my aunt's collection... mother didn't have a piano.
Yep, totally relate to Hoarders.
I had a bin full of fabric for years.... for what, I have no clue... that was my other life... I've had so many of those... and just keep reinventing.
Mother could play the piano... and had my aunt's collection... mother didn't have a piano.
Yep, totally relate to Hoarders.